Social Media platforms are considered to have three roles for engagement: educate, entertain and inspire. Many solo attorneys focus on the educate aspect. They post on the big three—LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter—to connect with prospective clients, current clients and referral sources.

Attorneys often promote published articles, share informative background materials and comment on aspects of the law affecting businesses and individuals. Some may announce that they will speak at an event or give a webinar, and a few even share highlights of events they have led or attended. The use of video as a way to engage with prospects and share timely insights is becoming more popular as well.

Not surprisingly, solo attorneys focus most of their social media activities on LinkedIn. Indeed, many have increased their presence and activity on the platform during the coronavirus pandemic. According to Zara Watkins, with a practice of appeals, motions and oral arguments at On Point Expertise (, the change in the court schedule has had an unanticipated affect on her social media activity. "I am posting once every few days or so, because I have more free time with the courts closed."