A gender discrimination class action against the U.S. Soccer Federation kicks to the courts a long-simmering conflict over pay disparities in the professional sport, just as a venue fight flares in a related case.

The class action, filed three months before the FIFA Women's World Cup, alleges that the U.S. Soccer Federation pays members of the U.S. Women's National Team less than their male counterparts. The lawsuit was filed March 8 by 28 team members under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Equal Pay Act, which requires class members to opt into the case, brought on behalf of current and former team members starting in 2015.

The case caps a lengthy feud between the U.S. Soccer Federation and the women's soccer team, winner of the Women's World Cup in 2015 and ranked No. 1 in the world. On Aug. 24, former goalkeeper Hope Solo filed her own suit against the U.S. Soccer Federation for the same claims.