This installment of the Daily Business Review's coverage of South Florida's August judicial primary election features a Q&A with candidates for Broward County Court judge, Group 22. Here's what Fort Lauderdale attorneys Allison Gilman and Casey Mills had to say about what qualifies them for the bench. Responses have been edited for style and content.

Related story: 2020 South Florida Elections: Use this Voter Guide to Learn More About Candidates Running for Judge

 Allison Gilman

Gilman is a criminal defense and family lawyer at Allison Gilman & Associates, and a former public defender. Originally from New York, Gilman has lived in Florida for more than 25 years. She was admitted to the bar in 1992 and holds a bachelor's degree in criminology from Florida State University and a law degree from St. Thomas University.

Why are you running for this position?

I strongly believe my 30-year career as a trial lawyer and a managing partner in a law firm has given me the experience needed to serve as a county court judge. I believe we need strong, experienced judges who are truly going to make a difference in our community. Unfortunately, a lot of our great judges are gone and we need judges who are not just looking for financial security but to actually make a difference in our community.