usiness find new job, interview the job and hiring. Job applicant holding resume.Open handshake and resume job interview or acceptance. Photo: Shutterstock.

The majority of recent law graduates say their law school career services offices are making the grade.

Nearly a quarter of the 417 new lawyers surveyed by Kaplan Bar Review give their career services offices an "A" when it comes to helping them find a job. Another 30% said their career services earned a "B," while 23% gave a "C." On the opposite end, 14% of respondents said their school career services earned a "D," while 11% doled out an "F."

Despite help from career services, many respondents said finding a job took more time than they expected. More than half—52%—said it was more time-consuming than they thought it would be, while just 11% said finding a job took less time than they anticipated.