Welcome back to another week of What's Next, where we report on the intersection of law and technology. Today, we have a Q&A with Fenwick & West partner Michael Dicke about SEC enforcement of digital tokens. There's also a new report showing Tesla's autopilot can be undone by … stickers? We also talk with Hogan Lovells' Logan Breed about the FTC's new Big Tech task force. All of that and more below.

Fenwick & West partner Michael Dicke.

When is a digital token a security? It has the ring of modern haiku, but it's a serious question to securities lawyers operating on the cutting edge of the crypto-world. What's Next caught up with Fenwick & West partner Michael Dicke, the former enforcement chief of the San Francisco regional SEC office, to tackle the question. What follows is an edited transcript of our exchange.

Are we any closer today to knowing when the SEC sees an ICO as a security offering than we were a year or two ago?