Welcome to Critical Mass, Law.com's weekly briefing for class action and mass tort attorneys. I'm Max Mitchell in Philadelphia filling in your usual columnist Amanda Bronstad.

This week we're beginning to see the litigation fallout from the nationwide college admissions scandal; meanwhile plaintiffs secured another verdict against Monsanto over its RoundUp weedkiller, and three class action suits are pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, with employers hoping to build on last year's successful challenge to public sector union fees.

Send your feedback to [email protected], or look me up on Twitter @MMitchellTLI. You may also reach out to Amanda through email to [email protected], or on Twitter: @abronstadlaw.

In Admissions Scandal, Students Are Giving Class Actions the College Try

You may not be surprised that litigation has followed in the wake of the largestcollege admissions scandal in U.S. history, but you may be surprised to learn that one of those lawsuits is seeking “no less than $500,000,000,000.”