Welcome to Compliance Review, our new weekly briefing that spotlights news and trends on the compliance and government affairs fronts. I'm C. Ryan Barber, reporting from Washington. Each week, we'll look at who's getting the work, what regulators are up to and how compliance officials are handling it all.

Your feedback on this briefing is valued. Anything you want to see more of? What are you hearing from clients, and what's on your plate? Thanks for reading and please stay in touch. I'm at [email protected] and on Twitter @cryanbarber. Or you can reach me at 202-828-0315. With that, let's get started.


In Defense of the DPA and NPA

Deferred and non-prosecution agreements had a big fan in former Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., who in a prior stint at the Justice Department scribed the infamous “collateral consequences” memo urging attorneys to account for the economic consequences that might result from a corporation's conviction. Since that memo's release in 1999, the DOJ's use of deferred and non-prosecution agreements has skyrocketed—and left a trail of criticism that corporations are getting off too easy.