Nearly 2,000 lawyers who are mothers—including partners and associates from Big Law firms across the country—joined together in a letter supporting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as she prepares to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while both were in high school.

“We have followed the heated debate over Judge Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy,” the letter stated. “We have watched with growing concern as questions mount regarding Judge Kavanaugh's truthfulness, judgment, and character. As practitioners who interact with the judiciary on a daily basis, we thank you for coming forward to make that bench stronger through critical examination of those nominated to serve as judges.”

The letter was addressed to both Ford and the Senate Judiciary Committee, and as of Sunday night it contained 1,989 signatures. Kavanaugh, represented by Beth Wilkinson of Washington's Wilkinson Walsh + Eskovitz, has categorically denied Ford's claims. “Judge Kavanaugh looks forward to a hearing where he can clear his name of this false allegation,” a White House spokesman said last week.