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June 13, 2000 |


Summaries of verdicts from around the country.
3 minute read
September 18, 2000 |

Watercooler compiles lawyers' and firms' dirt and good deeds from all over the country into a weekly dose of watercooler stories. Today: A Texas lawyer gets a Beanie Baby education; a Kansas City, Mo. lawyer took a gamble and lost; and a legal scholar and her husband -- labor secretary during Bill Clinton's first term -- have returned to their acting roots.
3 minute read
May 01, 2004 |

Drowning In Paper

Number of court or-ders issued to date in United States v. Philip Morris Inc. et al.: 509. Number of pages of documents exchanged in discovery: 40 million. Potential sum at stake: $289 billion.
6 minute read
December 15, 2006 |

Lawyer Uses TV Ads to Lure Inventors

Daytime TV viewers long have been accustomed to lawyer commercials full of bad acting and promises to "get what you deserve." But a recent advertisement running nationwide on the cable channel Bloomberg Television takes a slightly different approach. Big white letters flash over a bold red background as a stentorian voice asks: "Are you an inventor? Has your patent been infringed?" Boston-area plaintiffs attorney James Sokolove wants to know, and he's the first attorney to use TV commercials to find out.
4 minute read
April 11, 2003 |


4 minute read
March 18, 2004 |

Drowning in Paper

Encompassing more than 500 court orders and 40 million pages of documents -- and with $289 billion at stake -- United States v. Philip Morris Inc. is a massive lawsuit whose challenges are becoming increasingly evident. The mammoth piece of litigation is set to go to trial this fall before D.C. federal judge Gladys Kessler, whose hands-on approach and strict scheduling are credited with keeping the unwieldy case on track.
7 minute read
September 27, 2013 |

Defections, Key Client Loss Take Toll at Dow Lohnes

A former Am Law 200 firm with offices in Atlanta and Washington, D.C., Dow Lohnes has seen its attorney ranks cut nearly in half over the past three years amid a spate of lateral defections. Now—down to fewer than 100 lawyers and hurt by the loss of key client Cox Enterprises—the firm is engaged in merger talks with possible suitors, according to a half-dozen sources interviewed by The Am Law Daily.
13 minute read
November 10, 2000 |

Keeping America's Van Lines Rolling

As general counsel for Unigroup, Morton I. Golder oversees the legal affairs of companies that account for 34 percent of the U.S. interstate moving business. His duties range from advising the CEO and board on the legal aspects of mergers and acquisitions and government regulatory matters, to overseeing dozens of trademark protection actions.
5 minute read


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