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April 08, 2013 |

Commentary: Pinnacle of Practice Requires Creativity

Creativity is making something of real value that did not exist before. The law requires creativity when attorneys practice at the highest levels.
5 minute read
April 24, 2006 |

Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Out-Earning Your Colleagues An Ode on What Associates Earn

Soon it won't matter what V&E says it's going to pay. No one will have any cash flow, and there won't be any money left. Let's just call that scenario "Brobeck Mountain."
5 minute read
December 26, 2011 |

Risky Business: Four Things a Judge Will Analyze Before Entering a TRO

Judges are afforded almost absolute discretion when considering an application for a temporary restraining order (TRO), and a skilled attorney can increase the odds the judge will exercise that discretion in his client's favor, writes James M. Stanton.
4 minute read
March 18, 2013 |

How Wind, Oil and Gas Leases Differ

Landowners and their counsel have attempted to incorporate features of traditional mineral leases into wind leases. Unfortunately, their efforts are hampering wind lease negotiations due to the differences between mineral and surface ownership in Texas.
4 minute read
May 04, 2000 |

Life, Family and the Pursuit of Partnership

It seems that every time there's a gathering of women lawyers from big firms in one place, the conversation almost inevitably centers on one issue: how they can put in fewer hours on the job. Law partner Kathleen Wu examines the issue.
5 minute read
April 16, 2012 |

Commentary: Bad Habits and Rhetorical Sins in Court

There are some words and phrases that attorneys use all the time that can get them into trouble. Kendall Gray discusses a few rules of thumb, as well as the verbal and written missteps they attempt to prevent. The rules are gleaned from years of watching others, as well as from the school of hard knocks.
6 minute read
June 30, 2004 |

The Am Law 100: Compensation All Partners

34 minute read
April 30, 2012 |

BigTex Roots: Some Large Firms See the Lone Star State as a Hot Hub For Economic Growth

Fewer than half the lawyers at the 25 largest firms in the Lone Star State actually work in Texas offices. And only five of those 25 firms are 100 percent Texas-based, meaning all their lawyers work in Texas offices. Jackson Walker, with offices in six Texas cities — Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Angelo and San Antonio — is the largest of the Texas-only firms.
12 minute read
March 21, 2007 |

New Partner Numbers Increase at Many Large Firms in Texas

For most of the partners in the largest firms in Texas, the partnership track ranges from 6.5 to 12.5 years, according to the firms that participated in Texas Lawyer's annual New Partners Survey. Twenty-three of the 25 largest firms in the state report promoting 146 attorneys to partnership in their Texas offices for 2007. That's 6.5 percent more than the 137 attorneys promoted to partnership by the same firms in 2006. "The legal business has been booming," says recruiter Robert A. Rowland.
13 minute read
March 29, 2010 |

Lessons to Learn From the Women Scorned

The news has been so sordid in recent months that the front page really should carry a parental warning label. From Tiger Woods' reported affairs and John Edwards' out-of-wedlock child to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's "soul mate," there has been enough reported infidelity and human frailty to keep the tabloids busy for a lifetime.
4 minute read


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