What were some of your most satisfying successes of the past year, and why? Learning about the cryptocurrency marketplace and being able to break that down in an easily digestible way for the courts and other constituents to understand was one of the most challenging, but rewarding parts of the year. Navigating billions of dollars of indebtedness, and ultimately bringing all parties together to save the second-largest movie-theater operator in the world—in a very challenging and changing operating environment—was the most satisfying. More than 30,000 jobs will be saved and that is why I do this every day.

What qualities make a great dealmaker? A great dealmaker fosters consensus among disparate views by earning the respect and trust of people around the table. Absent trust and respect, it is difficult, if not impossible, to bring disparate parties together to solve a problem. Trust and respect are earned through repetition and a demonstration that one is truly dedicated to finding a solution that is workable for all parties.