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May 29, 2007 |

Underpaid Workers Are Filing Lawsuits in Increasing Numbers

In recent years, low-paid workers around the country have filed a growing number of lawsuits seeking back wages from bosses they say failed to pay the minimum wage or overtime. The complaints cover a wide range of industries, but most share a common trait: They involve immigrants who have become bolder about going to court to demand their proper pay, regardless of their legal status. And the increase might not be due to more violations, but to more attorneys specializing in wage and overtime disputes.
6 minute read
July 18, 2008 |


For success in a federal class action suit on behalf of disabled New York City children, Douglas W. Henkin received the Jill Chaifetz Award for Excellence in Educational Advocacy from Advocates for Children during the organization's annual benefit last month. Also last month, practitioners, law professors and judges deemed "pioneers" of women's rights by the Veteran Feminists of America in the "seminal years of second-wave feminism" were honored, and Professor George W. Johnson III of Brooklyn Law School was honored with a proclamation from the U.S. District Courthouse in Brooklyn citing his 25 years of "outstanding and exemplary service" as head of the Eastern District Civil Litigation Fund.
7 minute read
September 11, 2006 |

Dismissed Partner Sues Holland & Knight for Fraud, Age Bias

Ex-partner John K. Weir is suing the 1,300-lawyer firm Holland & Knight in Manhattan federal court, claiming he was fired because of his age and because he raised questions about the "disappearance" of $5 million the firm was awarded in 1999 for a class action representation. Among the 11 counts in Weir's suit: breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, civil claims under RICO based on the alleged $5 million misappropriation -- and age discrimination.
7 minute read
May 29, 2013 |

Businesses Should Use Caution With Unpaid Internships

School's out for summer, and there's a rush of young students and recent graduates looking for internships. But businesses that don't compensate interns for the work they perform can end up paying a big price down the road.
4 minute read
February 28, 2008 |

Ruling Strengthens Position Of Workers in Overtime Suits

Employee-rights attorneys have found some new ammunition in pursuing overtime lawsuits: a recent Second Circuit ruling that says employers must pay for overtime even if they did not approve it. Last month, the court held that a nursing staffing agency had sufficient knowledge that its nurses were working occasional unauthorized overtime shifts to give rise to a duty to prevent overtime if it wished to do so.
5 minute read
March 23, 2007 |

Age Bias Suits on the Rise With Older Employees Working Longer

Baby boomers not shy about asserting their rights have triggered a new wave of age bias lawsuits, creating a host of legal challenges for employers that may not even be aware that discrimination is going on in the workplace.
7 minute read
October 07, 1999 |

Who Should Pay for Arbitration?

Federal courts are beginning to scrutinize the costs imposed on employees when they are forced to arbitrate employment disputes. Concerned that steep filing fees and arbitrator compensation may prevent employees from vindicating their rights, the District of Columbia U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, for one, has required employers who compel arbitration as a condition of employment to pay the full cost of the arbitrator fees.
8 minute read
October 01, 2004 |


12 minute read
Despite Supreme Court's Concepcion Decision, Judge Rules Goldman Sachs Can't Compel Arbitration with Plaintiff in Sex Discrimination Class Action
Publication Date: 2011-07-11
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Goldman's lawyers at Sullivan & Cromwell and Paul Hastings hoped the Supreme Court's April ruling on the enforceability of mandatory arbitration agreements in Concepcion v. AT&T Mobility would help them knock out claims by a named plaintiff in a high-stakes discrimination case. They were wrong.

May 03, 2013 |

Ex-Cop Settles Discrimination Complaint Against Town

A former Wallingford police officer has settled a discrimination claim against the town's police department, which refused to give her a light duty assignment after she became pregnant last year.
3 minute read


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