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April 23, 2002 |

Reviewing New Guidance in Like-Kind Exchanges

The Internal Revenue Service recently issued Revenue Procedure 2002-22, providing ruling guidelines for the tax classification of undivided fractional interests in rental real property. Although we continue to find clients to whom this comes as a surprise, section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code prominently provides that the tax-free treatment accorded to like-kind exchanges does not apply to the exchange of partnership interests. Therefore, partnership interests cannot constitute either relinquished prop
10 minute read
August 28, 2009 |


Calendar of events.
5 minute read
August 07, 2009 |


Calendar of events.
5 minute read
November 19, 2003 |

Ohio Exec Rats on His Lawyers in Cash Scam

Peter [email protected] YORK-Richard D. Schultz may have dug his own small niche into the landscape of white-collar crime. Schultz, a highly successful businessman from Columbus, Ohio, never was accused of bilking investors of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, like executives of Tyco, Enron, WorldCom and the like.
13 minute read
June 14, 2006 |

How Chick-fil-A's GC Has Served 'Chikin' Well

According to Chick-fil-A general counsel Bureon Ledbetter, restaurant founder S. Truett Cathy's attitude at the time of the GC's hiring was, "Lawyers are a necessary evil, and I don't know if I have enough evil for you to be necessary." But that was 27 years ago, and in the interim, Ledbetter has survived and prospered at Chick-fil-A by being as much businessman as GC, making Chick-fil-A one of the least-sued fast food companies and protecting its ad campaign of cows advising, "eat mor chikin."
15 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book New Jersey Insurance Law 2024 Authors: George J. Kenny, Frank A. Lattal View this Book

View more book results for the query "State Farm Insurance"

March 06, 2006 |

CLE Listings

N.J. Law Journal CLE listings.
5 minute read
July 04, 2005 |


City paid $10,000 to settle a suit brought by a Mexican national who claimed that police officers stole $16,000. Restaurant hit with a $7.5 million verdict after a crash. A consultant is free to go work for another casino developer. A patient died in a surgery center. A doctor is not liable for undiagnosed brain hemorrhage. A driver who ran over cyclists is found not liable. The owner of a dog that charged a gas company employee is liable for injuries.
6 minute read
June 08, 2004 |

Judicial Profile: James Larson

When U.S. Magistrate Judge James Larson first took the bench, some lawyers were a little worried about his ponytail. The long hair was an emblem of Larson's days as a successful criminal defense attorney, and prosecutors admit fearing that a pro-defense bent would find its way into his courtroom. But those reservations, like the ponytail, disappeared soon after Larson's 1997 appointment. Seven years later, Larson has developed a reputation as an even-handed, polite jurist whose rulings favor neither side.
4 minute read
March 22, 2000 |

A Medical Indignity

When Kay Perrin, a nurse at a Tampa, Fla., hospital, noticed pregnant women coming in for their second and third amniocentesis she started to ask questions. Those questions led to a lawsuit and, a full 10 years later, a $3.8 million settlement. The suit, in federal court in Tampa, accused the hospital and doctors of performing random medical experiments (including multiple amnios) on thousands of high-risk pregnant women without their proper consent.
11 minute read
June 18, 2009 |

Obama's Proposed Regulatory Changes Target a 'Culture of Irresponsibility'

President Barack Obama proposed sweeping new "rules of the road" for the nation's financial system yesterday, casting the changes as a critically important response to the economic crisis and the greatest regulatory transformation since the Great Depression. Mr. Obama said regulations crafted to deal with the depression of the 1930s had been "overwhelmed by the speed, scope and sophistication of a 21st century global economy."
6 minute read


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