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May 28, 2013 |

The Legal Intelligencer: A Legacy of Getting Stronger

In July 1993, when I joined The Legal Intelligencer, the economy was still recovering from a recession, health care and gay rights were divisive issues and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was embroiled in controversy, as the justices were at each other's throats and one of them was about to face criminal charges.
10 minute read
November 05, 2009 |

Update: October sales offer relief to merchants

Shoppers, enticed by cooler weather and holiday discounts, opened their wallets a bit more but were still restrained from splurging on apparel amid tight credit and a weak job market.
4 minute read
August 11, 2011 |

Designer's Claim Rival's Red Soles Infringed Trademark Is Rejected

Saying he did not believe that a designer could trademark a color, a federal judge has refused to grant a preliminary injunction stopping Yves Saint Laurent from selling shoes with a red sole that rival design house Christian Louboutin claims infringe on its trademark.
5 minute read
May 16, 2001 |

Anonymous Tip About Gun Justifies Frisking, Says New York Court

A New York appellate court ruled that a U.S. Supreme Court decision which held that an anonymous tip about a person carrying a gun is not enough to justify a frisking by a police officer did not apply to a man stopped in a building lobby. The New York court reasoned that since the police knew the tipster's phone number and apartment number, and the defendant matched the description given, the tipster was not truly anonymous.
3 minute read
October 01, 2012 |

Business Development for Introverted Lawyers

"Look, I didn't go to law school to be a salesman," said Gary, a partner in an established firm who had worked on mergers and acquisitions for most of his career.
5 minute read
June 06, 2004 |

Royal Maccabees Life Insurance Co. v. James

There is more than one reasonable interpretation of the contract. Longstanding standards of contract interpretation dictate that the court must resolve ambiguity in favor of the insured.
4 minute read
March 06, 2013 |

GC of Colt firearms has hands full with compliance issues

The nation's gun industry has never been under greater scrutiny than now, in the wake of the Newtown school shootings. Just a few miles from the Connecticut state Capitol, where Connecticut's lawmakers are considering serious gun control reforms, business is booming in West Hartford for Colt firearms.
9 minute read
March 01, 2013 |

Colt GC Has Hands Full With Compliance Issues

The nation's gun industry has never been under greater scrutiny than now, in the wake of the Newtown school shootings. Just a few miles from the Connecticut state Capitol, business is booming in West Hartford for Colt firearms.
9 minute read
June 06, 2000 |

Lewis: Defendants Were Attacked

Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Paul Howard prompted former defendant Ray Lewis Tuesday to dissolve the "blood trail" he earlier promised would lead to Lewis' hotel room. Following Lewis' plea bargain, Howard hoped the Baltimore Ravens linebacker would lead jurors to his former co-defendants. But if Lewis helped Howard bolster a thin case, he also helped the accused men make a case for self-defense.
6 minute read
March 05, 2013 |

Colt GC Has Hands Full With Compliance Issues

The U.S. gun industry has never been under greater scrutiny than in the wake of the Newtown school shootings. Just a few miles from the Connecticut state Capitol, business is booming in West Hartford for Colt firearms.
9 minute read
