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August 28, 2006 |

Panel Clarifies Predominance Class Element

5 minute read
October 10, 2011 |

Intellectual Ventures Targets Motorola Phones in Patent Suit

Intellectual Ventures, a nonpracticing entity started by former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, has filed a patent infringement suit against Google's most expensive acquisition: Motorola Mobility. Four of the six patents named in the suit are software patents, and IV says Motorola's Android-based phones are infringing those patents.
3 minute read
October 04, 2010 |

Patent Litigation Weekly: NPE Makes Offer Some Companies Can Refuse

This week: Offered the chance to cough up $80,000 apiece to license a patent once held by Intellectual Ventures, drugmaker Novartis and auto parts manufacturer Tenneco decided to fight back instead, court records show.
4 minute read
July 19, 2005 |

Snapshot: K. William Gibson, Solo Practitioner

Forget the desktop -- it's a Mac PowerBook that solo K. William Gibson totes to and from work and all points in between. He lives in the country, where there's no DSL or cable Internet access. How does he cope? Although he's gotten by with ISDN for years, he recently switched to an ISP that sends a signal via transmitters located on nearby hillsides. He says that so far, it's been faster, more reliable and cheaper than ISDN. Find out what other tech tools Gibson uses to make his practice go.
2 minute read
May 15, 2007 |

Sending Contracts Offshore

It's no secret that company law departments are increasingly being held to the same standards of cost-effectiveness as other business departments. As a result, law departments are being expected to do more with static or shrinking budgets. When, if ever, does it make sense to have your contract-related legal services performed overseas? Consultant Kenneth A. Adams discusses the potential benefits and possible concerns.
12 minute read
Second Time's the Charm for Plaintiffs in Antitrust Class Action over Optical Disk Drives
Publication Date: 2012-04-22
Practice Area:
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number:

A dozen Am Law firms failed to convince a federal judge in San Francisco to throw out claims that many of the world's leading consumer electronics companies conspired to fix prices for CD, DVD and Blu Ray recordable and rewritable drives.

July 19, 2006 |

Federal Judge Finds No Confusion in Use of Logos by Workers' Group

A federal judge has refused to grant a preliminary injunction against a workers group that used a restaurant logo for leafletting two locations. The leaflets, which contained information about suits filed by employees over labor practices, showed the trademarked logo and asked, "Do You Really Want to Eat Here?" Both sides agreed that a reader would initially believe the leaflet was associated with the restaurants, but the judge decided that the critical nature of the message prevented "lingering confusion."
4 minute read
March 12, 2008 |

Howrey Tells Clients It's Getting Off the Troll Road

In an overt example of choosing sides in the patent troll debate, Howrey proclaims in a new brochure for clients that it absolutely won't represent trolls -- and criticizes firms that do. "We decided it was madness to work both sides of the street," said Howrey's Henry Bunsow. While several IP lawyers chided Howrey for its in-your-face marketing, most acknowledged that the issue is being actively debated by the in-house crowd, with some companies asking up front if a firm does work for patent trolls.
6 minute read
August 29, 2006 |

2nd Circuit Clarifies Predominance Class Element

The 2nd Circuit has announced new law concerning the predominance requirement of class certification. Reversing the denial of class certification in cases challenging the strip search of inmates in Nassau County, N.Y., the court said a judge may certify a class as to a specific issue under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(c)(4)(A) where "the entire claim" does not satisfy the requirement that a common issue predominates.
5 minute read


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