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May 01, 2013 |

$1M Settlement In Fatal Surgery

The attorney representing the sons of a woman who died when a surgical procedure went awry said the Fulton State Court jury had scarcely left the jury box to begin deliberations when his defense counterpart walked over and offered to settle for the doctor's $1 million policy limit. Steve Pickens (above left), and Shawn Bratton represented the plaintiffs in the death of a woman during outpatient surgery.
6 minute read
February 14, 2013 |

Ford and allies try to stem retrials

A legal battle that could change the outcome in product liability cases all over the state escalated Tuesday in oral arguments at the Georgia Court of Appeals. Judge Michael Boggs (above) pressed Ford on a decision against the company in a similar case.
6 minute read
January 24, 2013 |

Chatham jury awards $1.7M in crash; $75K offer rejected

A Chatham County State Court jury awarded $1.7 million this month to a man who sustained a head injury in a car crash.
4 minute read
August 15, 2011 |

Denying Class Certification One Motion at a Time

Hollis Salzman, a partner at Labaton Sucharow, and Kellie Lerner, an associate with the firm, write: The Ninth Circuit's 2009 decision in Vinole initially appeared to be a powerful new tool for defendants to dispose of potential class actions, allowing them to control the timing and manner that class certification issues are presented to the court. The post-Vinole case law reveals, however, that this new weapon may not be as powerful as once thought and, in fact, could actually backfire against the defense.
7 minute read
October 25, 2012 |

Wrapping the Class Action Label Around Food Packaging Claims

Class action lawsuits over food labels highlight risks for NJ companies with regard to the Consumer Fraud Act.
8 minute read
June 14, 2013 |

Former Worker Sues McDonald's Franchisee Over Pay Options

WILKE-BARRE, Pa. (AP) - She spent her days serving up Happy Meals, but when it came time to get paid, Natalie Gunshannon says a local McDonald's franchisee gave her an unhappy deal.
6 minute read
July 03, 2012 |

9th Circuit fares better at high court

Supreme Court laid fewer smackdowns on California-based circuit with its lowest reversal rate in at least 8 years
9 minute read
January 04, 2013 |

N.J. Chosen as Venue for Suits Over L'Oreal's Wrinkle Creams

Federal court in Newark is now host to national litigation over claims that L'Oreal USA is stretiching the truth about its antiwrinkle creams.
3 minute read
October 09, 2000 |

ATLA's War Room

When trial lawyers team up for coordinated attacks, it's rarely as public as a Firestone or fen-phen fusillade. The 61 American Trial Lawyers Association litigation groups usually operate beneath the consciousness of everyone but the defense lawyers in the industries they target. The groups work in secret in order for plaintiffs' lawyers to share information, and to keep defense-side infiltrators out.
6 minute read


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