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September 21, 2007 |

U.S. Firms in London Say They're More Merger-Minded

Legal Week's annual survey of U.S. firms in London reveals that 47 percent of respondents would consider a merger with a U.K. firm, up from 39 percent last year and just 29 percent in 2005. The trend may signal that firms realize how hard it is to grow organically in the London legal market, which by some measures is now the most costly in which to operate worldwide. Putting additional pressure on U.S. firms: the weak dollar and the related disadvantage in attracting heavy-hitting London partners.
11 minute read
Judges Weigh Disqualification for Former Big Firm Lawyers in NPE Patent Battles
Publication Date: 2012-02-24
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Given that patent litigation brought by non-performing entities (n�e patent trolls) continues in full blossom, it's no surprise that Big Firm castaways are leaping in to get a piece of the action on the plaintiffs side. But representing trolls carries risks for lawyers who earned their patent pedigrees at defense firms, as a pair of decisions highlighted on Thursday.

September 20, 1999 |

Bradley on Law: Where He Stands

During his nearly two decades in the Senate, Bill Bradley never sat on the Senate Judiciary Committee and was never a major player in congressional debates over crime policy or civil justice reform. As his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president continues to gather momentum, Bradley may not have spelled out his views on the legal system, but the nonlawyer is by no means without strong opinions on the subject. Bradley appears to eschew the simplistic, sound-bite approach to legal issues.
8 minute read
October 12, 1999 |

Anastasia D. Kelly, Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Anastasia D. Kelly is corporate counsel for Sears, Roebuck and Co., the nation's second-largest retailer with approximately 850 mall-based and 1,400 specialty stores.
5 minute read
Justices Limit Reach of Alien Tort Law
Publication Date: 2013-04-17
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The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday sharply limited the reach of a federal law used to hold corporations and others accountable for human rights abuses committed abroad. But human rights lawyers predicted additional litigation over how much of the federal courthouse door was left ajar.

June 27, 2001 |

Taking Names (off the Door)

They call it branding. It's the law firm marketing director's quest to make the firm's name a household word to all the in-houses. It's shooting to become the Coke or Ford of the new law business. And, says Chicago lawyer Gerald Skoning, in the process of designing a sleek new image for the legal marketplace, many prominent name partners of prestigious corporate law firms are being branded into obscurity.
4 minute read
Second Circuit Revives Copyright Case Against Google, YouTube
Publication Date: 2012-04-05
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Viacom International is getting a second shot at proving that YouTube massively infringed its copyrights by hosting clips from shows like "The Daily Show" and "Family Guy" without its permission. And whether Viacom and its lawyers succeed or not, they've already managed to shape the developing case law over copyrighted content that users illegally upload to the Internet.

September 29, 2010 |

Brazilian Bar Concludes Foreign Law Firm Alliances Break Rules

The legal market in Brazil has been particularly active in recent months, with firms like Milbank and Gibson Dunn announcing they were opening Brazilian offices. But a recent ethical and disciplinary panel opinion of the Sao Paulo Bar illustrates the mounting tension over the influx of foreign firms into one of the world's fastest-growing economies. Although only advisory, the opinion indicates where a more formal ruling might fall if a case were brought against major U.S. firms operating in Brazil in alliance with local firms.
3 minute read
September 22, 2009 |

The Supreme Court Cert Pool: Sotomayor Joins It, Lawyers Attack It

As expected, new Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has joined the Court's so-called cert pool, at least for now. The controversial pooling arrangement, whereby the thousands of incoming certiorari petitions are divvied up among the clerks of the justices who participate, came under considerable criticism at a conference Friday on the Court's case selection process. One prominent theory about why the Court's docket has shrunk has to do with the cert pool, and it might be labeled the "timid law clerk" syndrome.
5 minute read


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