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December 17, 2012 |

New York's Recreational Use Statute and Legislative Proposals

Brian P. Heermance, a partner at Morrison Mahoney, and Christopher P. Keenoy, an associate at the firm, write: What do hunting, fishing, canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing, sledding, and snowmobiling have in common? They are all activities that are covered by New York's Recreational Use Statute, which was enacted to induce property owners who may be reluctant to permit people to come onto their property for recreational activities to do so without fear of 
8 minute read
April 17, 2001 |

Staying in the Groove

An uncompromising vision combining music and business has set Marcus Johnson on an independent course through law school, and on to the upper reaches of the Billboard magazine contemporary jazz charts. Johnson plays the keyboard, owns the record label and composes. "He's a remarkable example of someone who has integrated his legal knowledge with his purposes in life," said one of his law professors.
6 minute read
December 15, 2003 |

City Bar, NYCLA Set Initiatives For Diversity

6 minute read
January 04, 2013 |

Patty Shwartz Is Renominated for Third Circuit as Initial Bid Dies

U.S. Magistrate Judge Patty Shwartz will have to start again on the ladder to a federal circuit judgeship, now that the Senate's 2011-12 session has ended without a confirmation vote.
4 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book White Collar Crime: Business and Regulatory Offenses Authors: Otto G. Obermaier, Robert G. Morvillo (deceased), Robert J. Anello, Barry A. Bohrer View this Book

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September 06, 2002 |

Senate Committee Rejects Owen for 5th Circuit Seat

Handing President Bush a stinging defeat, a bitterly divided Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday rejected on a strict party-line vote the nomination of Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen for a judgeship on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Democrats and liberal activists hailed the vote as the rejection of a judge who they say was an "extremist" and a "conservative judicial activist."
3 minute read
May 02, 2006 |

Live Free or Reboot

The debate over Net neutrality -- the idea that major telecoms should provide equal access to all content providers, not create fast lanes for their own Internet services and for other content providers willing to pay top dollar while charging other competitors sky-high prices -- has all the makings of a vitriolic, drawn-out Capitol Hill lobbying battle. The issue has given Congress a perfect opportunity to leverage the debate into rivers of campaign contributions through this fall's elections.
6 minute read
May 01, 2013 |

Look to Past Heroes for Inspiration

While diversity is a commendable goal, true diversity has not been achieved in the legal profession. Racial minorities continue to be underrepresented. The hope is that the statistics will change as opportunities for advancement become available. But in looking to the future, we can gain inspiration from the heroes of the past.
4 minute read
October 02, 2006 |

Sadly, the Snark is no Tom Cruise

7 minute read
October 18, 2010 |

Questioning the Candidates For AG, High Courts

Although Republicans have won every statewide race in Texas since 1996, each of the GOP incumbents in the races for attorney general and the state's two highest courts face challengers in the Nov. 2 general election. Senior reporters Mary Alice Robbins and John Council pose one question to those running for Texas attorney general and for seats on the Texas Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals. All candidates received at least two telephone calls each requesting interviews.
9 minute read


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