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July 16, 2012 |


Morvillos keep it together; attorney/client difficulties at Gitmo; Freddie Mac has a new GC; looking deeper into Gray; former senator leaves Holland & Knight; the call is coming from inside the CFPB; and your new host on satellite radio in this week's column.
6 minute read
JPMorgan Agrees to Pay $154 Million to Settle SEC Fraud Claims Over Failed CDO
Publication Date: 2011-06-21
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Without admitting or denying any wrongdoing, JPMorgan agreed to pay $153.6 million--including a $133 million penalty--to resolve allegations that it marketed an ill-fated collateralized debt obligation without disclosing the role of a hedge fund that was shorting assets in the CDO.

April 24, 2009 |

Flash training 2010 Test: Part 2a

27 minute read
October 13, 2010 |

Popular, Inc. Names Ignacio Alvarez General Counsel

In order to become the new GC of Popular, Inc., which owns the largest bank in Puerto Rico, Ignacio Alvarez had to leave the San Juan law firm he helped found in 1992. But that wasn't the biggest transformation he's recently had to face.
3 minute read
October 05, 2010 |

Liberty Tire Recycling Names Frank DeCarlo General Counsel

What happens to tires after they wear out? That's a good question — and one that can now be answered by tired top lawyer Frank DeCarlo, new general counsel of Liberty Tire Recycling.
3 minute read
May 04, 2000 |

Law Firms Foster 'New Girls' Networking

In the typical image of law firm rainmaking, a group of lawyers and clients trade war stories and close deals in a box at the ball game or over scotch and cigars after 18 holes. It is a decidedly male tableau.
5 minute read
April 11, 2007 |

Valley Firms Top Equity Deals List

A financial news service has been counting up the private equity and venture capital deals, and is reporting who scored big last year.
5 minute read
April 01, 2011 |

Equities: Back in the Running

The highly anticipated "great recovery" of 2010 turned into the humdrum recovery of 2010. Still, one sector of the American economy came close to living up to the hype: equity markets.
5 minute read
DOJ Filings on $25 Billion Foreclosure Settlement Detail Whistleblower Claims
Publication Date: 2012-03-13
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We knew the Justice Department had been using the False Claims Act and piggybacking on whistleblower suits to go after big players in the mortgage crisis. Now we have a better idea of the extent of the campaign, thanks to the documents that the DOJ filed Monday in connection with last month's $25 billion foreclosure settlement.
