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January 17, 2012 |

For this lawyer, liability fight is personal

California attorney Steve Filarsky, the name petitioner in Filarsky v. Delia, hopes the justices will grant qualified immunity from suits to private attorneys retained by a city to investigate personnel matters.
5 minute read
July 03, 2008 |

Young lawyer takes victory lap after Supreme Court gun case win

Supreme Court watchers questioned 37-year-old attorney Alan Gura's qualifications when he was tapped for the landmark Second Amendment case District of Columbia v. Heller. But now history will remember him as the lawyer who successfully argued that Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms. Outside the Court last week, as gun rights advocates roared their approval, Gura smiled broadly in victory and signed copies of the Heller opinion like they just went gold.
5 minute read
September 08, 2003 |

People in the News

Movers and Shakers in the Philadelphia legal community.
3 minute read
June 24, 2003 |

Public-Private Partnership Works to Improve Foster Care

A new approach to foster care is one more step off the drawing board and closer to helping Philadelphia's children, thanks to a collaboration among Schnader Harrison Segal Lewis, the city Department of Human Services and the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program.
3 minute read
September 08, 1999 |

Calendar Draws Supreme Kibitzers

Some of the titans of the U.S. Supreme Court bar have privately asked Chief Justice William Rehnquist to consider overhauling the court's calendar to take into account its drastically reduced docket. The reason: the court's new lean, mean docket is shaving days and weeks off the time lawyers have to brief their cases and prepare for oral arguments. But the extraordinary and unpublicized effort by more than a dozen veteran Supreme Court advocates has been politely rejected by Rehnquist.
12 minute read
February 19, 2003 |

Med-Mal Cases Spawn Large Jury Awards

The American Medical Association claims that a dozen states are gripped by malpractice insurance crises and that the medical-liability system needs to be reformed. One-third of the biggest malpractice verdicts in 2002 were for pain and suffering and 13 malpractice awards were among The NLJ's Top 100 Verdicts.
3 minute read
November 28, 2007 |

Contract Law

Glen Banks, a partner of Fulbright & Jaworski, writes that the First Department recently addressed whether a contract is formed when a party communicates its intention not to be bound until it executes a written agreement and thereafter, by its words and conduct, appears to manifest its assent to the agreement.
10 minute read
February 15, 2011 |

'Pension Committee': Looking Back at a Look Back

In all the hubbub of LegalTech New York, ALM's massive February trade show, which we may have mentioned once or twice on these pages -- OK, we blabbed about it 1,000 times -- we didn't point out a handy resource published prior to the event, on a subject central to the show. What can we say? It was a busy time. We weren't at our desks. And we were soon struggling to digest copious amounts of e-discovery material ... [MORE]
3 minute read
October 19, 2011 |

Breyer to Take Senior Status, Opening Another Slot on Bench

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer is giving Obama his eighth opening on the Northern District bench.
3 minute read


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