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April 21, 2006 |

Rui Ying Lin, petitioner v. Gonzales, respondent

IJ Erred in Relying on False Documents Used to Evade Persecution to Disregard Evidence Supporting Asylum
19 minute read
July 28, 2008 |

When the Alienated Child Refuses to Visit

Robert M. Wallack, the principal of The Wallack Firm and an adjunct professor of law at Seton Hall Law School, notes that scholars have defined an alienated child as one who persistently expresses unreasonable negative feelings and beliefs (such as anger, hatred, rejection, and/or fear) toward a parent that are significantly disproportionate to the child's actual experience with that parent.
12 minute read
August 27, 2007 |

Stafford v. Southern Vanity Magazine Inc.

The trial court did not err in awarding Kelly Stafford specific performance or in denying Stafford s motion for a new trial on her fraud claim.
5 minute read
January 03, 2007 |

FCC Approves AT&T-BellSouth Deal

The Federal Communications Commission last week approved AT&T's $80 billion acquisition of BellSouth, one day after the acquiring company agreed to a series of conditions on the merger. To gain Democratic approval, AT&T included a so-called net-neutrality provision prohibiting the merged companies from favoring some Web sites and content providers over their rivals. Net-neutrality advocates differed on whether the Internet conditions in the AT&T-BellSouth deal were strong enough.
4 minute read
November 06, 2009 |


Short takes on lawyers, firms and judges.
5 minute read
February 28, 2002 |

Career Planning

D own turns, upturns, wrong turns, unexpected turns, turns for the worse, turns for the better whatever turns you may face in your career, it is up to you to be ready for them. This does not mean that you have to read tarot cards, become a clairvoyant or otherwise predict the future. It is a matter of effectively managing your career so you are prepared to respond quickly and strategically regardless of whether a great opportunity arises or an unforeseeable event forces you to make a change. No matter wheth
6 minute read
October 04, 2004 |

Exploring Mali and Its Wonders

Unlike other African countries, which can be too dangerous for the neophyte traveler, Mali is safe, hospitable, and avowedly democratic, one of the only Islamic democracies in the world.
11 minute read
May 03, 2000 |

Networking With a New Attitude

How many of you like networking? Or even like the idea of networking? How many of you have tried it? How many of you put it off indefinitely, hoping for a call from one of those employers to which you blindly sent a cover letter and resume? Attorneys don't like networking. But beware: It is essential in conducting an effective job search.
6 minute read
July 13, 2007 |

N.Y.'s Neighbors: Recognizing Same-Sex Couples Is Norm

Christopher Rizzo, an associate at Carter Ledyard & Milburn, and Stephen Clark, a Professor of Law at Albany Law School, write that in addition to Canada and Massachusetts, which allow same-sex marriage, four more of New York's neighbors have granted same-sex couples all the state-law rights of marriage through the "separate but equal" institution of civil unions, and two others have established statewide domestic partnership regimes.
10 minute read
November 15, 2010 |

Judicial Furloughs And Judicial Independence

In her letter to Gov. M. Jodi Rell, state Supreme Court Justice Joette Katz stated that her reason for initially declining to take furlough days was that far more money could be saved by not appointing first nine and then four more new judges because they are not needed. The fact is we do have enough judicial manpower because the growing number of judge trial referees (judges who reach the age of 70) perform many judicial duties in our courts.
4 minute read


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