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September 30, 2002 |

Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection List of Ineligible Attorneys

Notice to the bar.
684 minute read
September 26, 2005 |

2005 Revoked List

Notice to the bar.
317 minute read
August 27, 2007 |

On the Move

A weekly report of lawyer moves and law firm changes. Keep abreast of where movers and shakers are going and what they're doing.
3 minute read
April 09, 2007 |

Trial Bar Turns From Edwards

The network of super-rich trial lawyers that supported the Kerry-Edwards ticket in 2004 is now splintering.
7 minute read
April 09, 2007 |

Obama Makes Inroads Into Edwards' Trial Lawyer Base

For years, John Edwards has relied on the support and deep pockets of his fellow trial lawyers -- long one of the most sought-after groups for political giving -- to help get him elected, first to the Senate and later when he made a run at the White House. But as Edwards mounts a new presidential bid, he is struggling to attract plaintiffs lawyers beyond his stable of longtime donors, just as other Democratic candidates, such as Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, have been wooing the plaintiffs bar.
7 minute read
April 16, 2003 |

Raiders Football Dispute Takes the Field

The $1 billion battle over the Raiders football team's return to Oakland, Calif., began with a pun and ended with a fumble Monday as powerhouse attorneys squared off in front of jurors for the first time. At issue is the Raiders' allegation that negotiators fraudulently reported ticket sales in order to persuade the franchise to return to Oakland -- the city the team had left for Los Angeles a decade earlier.
5 minute read
April 15, 2003 |

Raiders Case Takes the Field

The $1 billion battle over the Raiders' return to Oakland began with a pun and ended with a fumble Monday as powerhouse attorneys, including Morrison & Foerster's James Brosnahan, squared off in front of jurors for the first time.
4 minute read
