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July 20, 2009 |

'Diversity' On The High Court

A good deal of what has been written and said about Judge Sonia Sotomayor has focused on a new diversity "milestone" - the first Hispanic woman on the Supreme Court! There is indeed reason to celebrate that our judicial system is open to the talents of Americans of all backgrounds, including one descended from working-class parents from Puerto Rico. But if one looks closer at the nomination of Sotomayor to serve as the 116th justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, in many respects it reflects a continuing movement toward greater homogenization of the court.
5 minute read
October 26, 2000 |

Securities Reform: What Went Wrong?

Be careful what you ask for. You may just get it. Take the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, which Congress passed in 1995 with strong support from the securities defense bar. The Act was designed to deter frivolous class action "strike suits" against companies and create uniformity in the way courts handle securities fraud complaints. Five years later those goals seem more elusive than ever.
6 minute read
August 01, 2012 |

A strong Supreme Court term for business

Lost in the glare of the Supreme Court's landmark decisions in June was the fact that the business community did very well last term. A tally by Mayer Brown of the 25 business-related cases the court decided last term shows that the business side won 19 times and lost only three. In the remaining three cases, business interests were represented on both sides.
4 minute read
August 07, 2003 |

Many Candidates, Few Lawyers

In the race for the White House, the crowded slate of Democrats is turning to a tiny clique in the election bar -- just two firms represent six of the nine declared candidates. Why? Few lawyers specialize in the arcane area of election law -- and many in the field will work only for candidates of one party, which means a very short list of lawyers who can both draw up an office lease and untangle Federal Election Commission regulations.
6 minute read
February 21, 2005 |

Let a Hundred Cases Bloom

Smaller cases and more decision-makers will reduce class-action abuse, argues Mark Moller.
6 minute read
January 18, 2013 |

ALI Names Harvard Law School Prof as New Director

Daniel J. Meltzer, the Story Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, is set to take over as the director of the American Law Institute in June 2014.
3 minute read
September 20, 2010 |

Feeling Insecure

In the past 10 years, the administrative forum hearing security clearance challenges has seen a staggering 25-fold increase in its docket. Lawyers who practice before the court say the reason for the burgeoning caseload is simple: Sept. 11.
7 minute read
May 29, 2002 |

Evaluations Are Not Just for Employers

TTORNEY performance and its "value" is being utilized as never before to determine whether an associate, and now more often, a partner, stays or leaves. The reason can be found in the profound impact the economic downturn has had on recruitment and retention. At many firms, summer associates are also being held to stricter standards. Although most firms assure summer clerks that there are openings for everyone to receive offers at the end of the summer, the evaluation process will be utilized to appraise pe
12 minute read
January 21, 2003 |

KM: A Long Way to Go

American firms are not exactly embracing knowledge management. "It's like rolling a rock up a hill," says one knowledge manager.
7 minute read
November 11, 2003 |

Supreme Court to Hear Guantanamo Appeals

The Supreme Court on Monday took on the first of what could be several constitutional challenges stemming from the war on terrorism, agreeing to decide whether aliens detained at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba can turn to the U.S. courts for habeas corpus review. Two joined cases accepted by the Court will pose a critical test of the Supreme Court's historic deference to the wishes of the executive branch in times of war.
4 minute read


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