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April 28, 2023 |

Senate Judicial Noms Meeting Ends Early | Judge Talks Civility

The Judiciary Committee holds a truncated session. Plus: A federal judge tries to bring civility to her courtroom.
6 minute read
April 20, 2023 | National Law Journal

Federal Judge Reflects on Writing for Broader Public in Qualified Immunity Case

"Orders that speak to things that are greater than the parties in the case… I believe ought to be put in a way where you might be speaking beyond the individuals who are before you in court," Reeves said.
5 minute read
April 17, 2023 | National Law Journal

Big Law Sees Growing Revenue in Environmental Law as Biden Administration Prioritizes Climate Action

"It's unbelievable how much work has come up in the last three years in an area that didn't really exist that long ago," said Levi McAllister, head of Morgan Lewis' electric vehicles working group.
3 minute read
April 17, 2023 |

ChatGPT or Me? A Generative AI Primer for Law Firm Marketers

ChatGPT can provide a new channel for client engagement and interaction, which can help improve the client experience and drive client acquisition. It also has its pros and cons.
11 minute read
April 14, 2023 |

Bench Report: Feinstein Absences | Just How Liberal is the Ninth Circuit?

This week's briefing has a West Coast focus, looking at the impact of Sen. Dianne Feinstein's absence from the Judiciary Committee, and a close look at the Ninth's Circuit's liberal reputation.
7 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Georgia Construction Law Handbook 2024 Authors: T. BART GARY, JAKE CARROLL View this Book

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April 14, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Cushman Replaces GC Who Headed Legal Department During Trump Probe

The real estate services giant says it has hired former Archer Daniels Midland attorney Noelle Perkins as legal chief. It didn't explain the departure of GC Brett Soloway.
3 minute read
April 11, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Former Twitter Legal Chief Vijaya Gadde Sues Company

Gadde filed the lawsuit with former CEO Parag Agrawal and former Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal. The trio say the company has failed to reimburse them for more than $1 million in legal fees.
2 minute read
April 10, 2023 | New York Law Journal

'A Leader in the Quest For Justice': Last Living Nuremberg Prosecutor Dies at 103

Benjamin Ferencz, the first prosecutor to use the term "genocide" in a court of law, fought tirelessly for peace and accountability in the years after he secured guilty verdicts against 22 high-ranking Nazi officials for murders committed during World War II.
4 minute read
April 09, 2023 | International Edition

Last Living Nuremberg Trials Prosecutor Dies at 103

Benjamin Ferencz, the first prosecutor to use the term "genocide" in a court of law, fought tirelessly for peace and accountability in the years after he secured guilty verdicts against 22 high-ranking Nazi officials for murders committed during World War II.
3 minute read
April 09, 2023 | National Law Journal

Last Living Nuremberg Trials Prosecutor Dies at 103

Benjamin Ferencz, the first prosecutor to use the term "genocide" in a court of law, fought tirelessly for peace and accountability in the years after he secured guilty verdicts against 22 high-ranking Nazi officials for murders committed during World War II.
3 minute read
