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May 30, 2008 |

The A-List (51-200)

Lawyers like to lament the passing of their fabled past, when partners knew each other on sight, firms contented themselves to operating in one ZIP code and junior associates were not a menacing anonymous horde threatening to take out their frustrations via the blogosphere. As it happens, in the big-firm world those days aren't gone, they've just moved to the Am Law Second Hundred ranks, where firms are prosperous and growing steadily but retain the possibility of old-fashioned cohesion.
28 minute read
April 19, 2010 |

The Efficiency equation

30 minute read
June 27, 2003 |

News Briefs

A roundup of legal news items.
3 minute read
April 04, 2002 |

Large-Firm Life

W e have said that your goal should be to be a great lawyer, not just a good associate. Many junior associates fall into the trap of believing that their entire work life revolves solely around their assignments. There is much more to being a great lawyer and many important benefits that come from getting involved with activities both inside and outside your law firm. In column, we discuss the importance of getting involved in extra-assignment activities, and offer some ideas on how to get started.Getting
5 minute read
May 16, 2007 |

Lying During Investigations Will Only Make Matters Worse

Scooter Libby's recent conviction provides another opportunity for corporate executives embroiled in government investigations to consider the potential pitfalls involved in interviews with the government or testimony before investigative bodies. Attorney Daniel R. Alonso writes that aside from advising clients to tell the truth, white-collar defense counsel may do better by analyzing the various motivations that might lead otherwise innocent individuals into lying to prosecutors or a grand jury.
7 minute read
May 04, 2000 |

Law Firms, Web Companines Vie for Talent

Internet-savvy attorneys kicking themselves for not jumping at those stock options start-ups like Doubleclick or Razorfish or were dangling, take heart: You are still in demand. In fact, the demand is greater than ever. From the white-shoe firms looking to get in on the Internet business, to the established new media firms, to the giant corporations developing e-commerce strategies, to the fledgling start-ups hoping to strike it rich in cyberspace, everyone wants a Web-savvy lawyer.
7 minute read
July 18, 2012 |

The Big Three FCPA Lessons from the Morgan Stanley Case

How an effective compliance program can go a long way — sometimes the whole way — in avoiding corporate prosecution.
6 minute read
April 24, 2009 |

Flash training 2010 Test: Part 2a

27 minute read
July 15, 1999 |

Tadic Denied - Milosevic Beware

The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on July 15 denied an appeal by Dusko Tadic, the first man tried by an international tribunal for war crimes since Nuremberg. The tribunal's ruling also opened the door for genocide charges against Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic and other members of his regime.
5 minute read
Greenberg Promises Appeal After N.Y. Panel Paves Way for Trial in AG's Case
Publication Date: 2012-05-08
Practice Area:
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
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Lawyers for former AIG chief Hank Greenberg at Boies Schiller and Skadden said they were "pleased" with Tuesday's divided appellate court opinion, but Greenberg and former AIG CFO Howard Smith are still on the hook for allegedly duping investors through a bogus reinsurance deal with General Re.


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