We have said that your goal should be to be a great lawyer, not just a good associate. Many junior associates fall into the trap of believing that their entire work life revolves solely around their assignments. There is much more to being a great lawyer and many important benefits that come from getting involved with activities both inside and outside your law firm. In column, we discuss the importance of getting involved in extra-assignment activities, and offer some ideas on how to get started.

It is almost a clich� for junior associates to bemoan the fact that their firm treats them like a fungible billing machine set loose upon a host of assignments. The easiest way to make sure you do not end up feeling that way is to develop relationships at the firm and outside your firm that transcend your day-to-day work. Developing professional relationships with colleagues at your firm and other lawyers in New York takes time and effort. But, as you will see, there are many ways to do it.