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May 27, 2009 |

9th Circuit Decency Act Ruling Rejected

The Communications Decency Act attempted to include a broad and sweeping immunity for third-party content providers. This immunity -- and its pertinence to IP law -- was the subject of a 2nd Circuit court decision, squarely in opposition to a 9th Circuit ruling on the same issue.
10 minute read
August 01, 2013 |

In a Corporate Crisis, There's a Need for Speed

In too many instances, a company and its senior advisors can't get their crisis-communications act together quickly enough to respond. And without a doubt, it is the speed and coordination of response that makes the difference in effectively managing communications when a crisis hits.
4 minute read
December 28, 2010 |

Integrating Internet Technology Into the Everyday Practice of Law

The legal profession is undergoing a transformation in the way legal services are obtained and delivered. Technology is partly responsible for this change: The rise of Web-based applications has increased the opportunity for attorneys to interact with clients online, but has also introduced new, business-savvy competitors into the legal space. Economic recession is also partly responsible: Consumers cannot afford the high cost of traditional legal services, and are looking for alternatives.
8 minute read
July 08, 2011 |

Fort Lauderdale trial consultant used social media and blogs to help Casey Anthony defense team shift strategies

They may have been operating behind-the-scenes, but trial consultants get some of the credit for Casey Anthony's acquittal, monitoring about 40,000 blog items a day to identify negative thinking and tailor the defense accordingly.
7 minute read
November 23, 2011 |

Porno and Madison Avenue, Strange Bedfellows

Douglas Wood, of Reed Smith, details how the best laid plans of ICANN and the ICM Registry to corral porn purveyors with the .xxx top-level domain name have gone woefully awry.
4 minute read
May 10, 2011 |

Microsoft to Add Skype in $8.5 Billion Deal

Looking to expand its online communications offerings, Microsoft said that it will pay $8.5 billion for Skype Global, the internet voice and video chat service. The all cash deal -- Microsoft's largest acquisition ever -- would give the software giant a leading communications brand to partner with its other products such as Outlook, Lync, and Xbox Live.
3 minute read
August 17, 2010 |


Elected and Appointed Abbe F. Fletman, a shareholder with Flaster Greenberg, was reappointed for a second one-year term as co-director of division VI for the American Bar Association's litigation section.
6 minute read
June 11, 2008 |

What to Do When You Get a Business Card

Where do you keep business cards once they're handed out to you -- buried under papers on your desk? Shoved in a drawer? If so, consultant Larry Bodine says you've created a junkyard of information -- a business development disaster. Attorneys need to realize that when they receive a person's business card, they've obtained a piece of gold. Bodine describes four steps to turn one business card into, possibly, multiple clients and contacts. After all, whom you know is more important than what you know.
6 minute read
September 11, 2012 |

Former Connolly Bove Partners Launch New Del. Firm

Connolly Gallagher, the commercial litigation firm spun out from Connolly Bove, has launched. Former Connolly Bove partners Arthur "Chip" Connolly III and Henry "Hank" Gallagher will lead the new firm. Meanwhile, Connolly Bove is said to be in the process of rebranding itself as an intellectual property boutique.
4 minute read
September 10, 2012 |

Mobile App Makers and Consumers Get Smart About Privacy

Several recent studies and guidance from the Federal Trade Commission indicate that developers and consumers of mobile apps for phones and tablets are focusing on data privacy.
3 minute read


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