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May 03, 2002 |

Professional Responsibility

T he Ethical Implications of Document Retention. 1 Despite increasing computerization or because of it the practice of law generates huge volumes of documents. The volume of documents created and the costs of maintaining them place considerable pressure on lawyers to find ways to dispose of documents. On the other hand, there are notoriously risks in improperly destroying materials. Accordingly, all lawyers, from the solo practitioner to the partners of the largest law firm, should develop a clear and appr
9 minute read
April 26, 1999 |

OSHA Regs Disputed

To help shift job safety responsibility to the private sector, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has suggested that both workers and employers become more involved in monitoring workplace hazards. The proposals, however, could conflict with National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) precedent that limits the use in decision-making of committees made up of workers and management. Yet the emphasis on a collaborative team approach contained in the proposals is the only part that has won both business
5 minute read
June 27, 2000 |

Five Steps to Limit Employment Liability

The American workplace is a highly regulated industry with numerous laws and regulations. An unknowing violation of an employment law can lead to litigation -- and can be devastating to the morale and financial health of a fledgling company. Employers can reduce the odds of being hit with an unwelcome employment lawsuit by taking five simple steps.
9 minute read
August 10, 2012 |

On the Move

A weekly report of lawyer moves and law firm changes. Keep abreast of where movers and shakers are going and what they're doing.
4 minute read
January 21, 2011 |

The Score: Clifford Chance, Reed Smith See That Sid the Kid Gets Paid

The two firms--one of whom got the work through a key lateral hire--are advising on a $115 million secured syndicated revolving credit facility for the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins. Plus: the lawyers behind a $300 million TV deal between ESPN and the University of Texas, civil suits by Ron Franklin, Mike Leach, and Tom Cable, and Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens fight back in our weekly look at sports and the law.
8 minute read
July 30, 2007 |

Firm resolves dispute in KPMG tax probe

A lawyer in Irvine, Calif., and his former firm have reached an agreement with federal agents who are seeking documents related to the criminal investigation of fraudulent tax shelters sold by accounting giant KPMG.
4 minute read
September 28, 2010 |

News In Brief

6 minute read
November 02, 2006 |

Duane Morris' conflict fight has broad reach

AS HE WAITED TO TESTIFY, the witness smiled."This is all about big money," said Georgia State University legal ethics professor Clark D. Cunningham. "Big money and big business."Cunningham had been subpoenaed to weigh in on a dispute that has pitted multinational legal behemoth Duane Morris against local powerhouse Morris, Manning Martin in a conflict-of-interest case.
6 minute read
March 14, 2007 |

Duane Morris wins conflict fight

6 minute read
