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February 23, 2000 |

Injured Worker Settles for $1.1 Million

Three days before trial was scheduled to begin, Alfa Laval Separation agreed to pay $1.1 million to an injured worker at Philadelphia's Sun Oil refinery. Robert Corbett was injured in 1995 while performing routine maintenance on an Alfa Laval centrifuge.
2 minute read
July 21, 2004 |

FELA Claim Opens Door to 'Fear of AIDS' Damages

While fear of contracting AIDS cases have generally been rejected by Pennsylvania's appellate courts, a recent verdict may point out a potential opening for some of these claims under federal law, experts say.
7 minute read
October 29, 2004 |

FELA Juries Must Weigh Pre-Existing Conditions

When an injured worker suing under the Federal Employers Liability Act suffers from a pre-existing condition that may have inevitably led to the same injury he sustained in an on-the-job accident, the jury must be instructed to consider an apportionment of damages that accounts for that possibility, the Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled.
4 minute read
April 30, 2007 |

Family Responsibilities Discrimination Claims Are on the Rise

Employees across the nation -- both women and men -- are increasingly alleging discrimination based upon family caregiving responsibilities. Randi W. Kochman, a partner in Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman & Leonard's employment law department, discusses the legal theories supporting these claims, and details some pending cases. One involves a female attorney's claim that a compensation committee member suggested she give up shareholder status and work part-time to spend more time with her family.
8 minute read
November 23, 2009 |

Largest Firms in Pittsburgh

4 minute read
August 15, 2008 |

Premium Work

We researched the Fortune 100 to find out which law firms they used in 2007 in each of the following practice areas: corporate transactions, torts and negligence, commercial law and contracts litigation, employment and labor litigation, and intellectual property. Companies are listed in alphabetical order.
43 minute read
August 15, 2008 |

We researched the fortune 100 to find Out which law firms they used in 2007 in each of the following practice areas: corporate transactions, torts and negligence, commercial law and contracts litigation, employment and labor litigation, and intellectual property. Companies are listed in alphabetical order.
44 minute read
September 08, 2003 |

Bowers v. The National Collegiate Athletic Association et al, etc.,

There is no right to contribution under � 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and, therefore, where plaintiff only brought suit against one university, that school's claims for contribution must be dismissed since plaintiff has not sued them directly.
21 minute read
June 09, 2003 |

Kohl v. National Railroad Passenger Corp.
6 minute read


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