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June 03, 2002 |

Vehicle Exclusion to Government Immunity not a Factor in Ambulance Suit

The motor vehicle exclusion to governmental immunity is not implicated in a case against an ambulance company where the company`s driver failed to follow driving directions to the home of a man in cardiac arrest, the state Supreme Court has ruled.
5 minute read
April 23, 2002 |

Court Bans Phrase `Chester Molester`

The alleged nickname Chester the Molester is so unfairly prejudicial that a federal judge has ruled that it cannot be uttered during the trial of a high school student`s sexual harassment suit against the Lower Merion School District.
4 minute read
June 03, 2005 |

Two Asbestos-Related Cancer Suits Time-Barred, Complex Litigation Center Rules

Two asbestos plaintiffs who about 20 years ago sought damages for nonmalignant injuries and increased risks of cancer are barred under the statute of limitations from bringing suits over cancers that were recently diagnosed, the coordinating judge of Philadelphia's Complex Litigation Center has ruled. If the men wanted to sue John Crane Inc., the judge wrote, they should have done so in the mid-1980s, within two years of the date when they learned they might be at an increased risk for cancer.
4 minute read
June 19, 2006 |

Two-Disease Rule Applied Retroactively in Pa. Asbestos Case

A split panel of the Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled that two asbestos plaintiffs who roughly 20 years ago both sought damages for nonmalignant injuries and increased risks of cancer are not barred under the statute of limitations from bringing suits over lung cancers diagnosed relatively recently. In an apparent case of first impression, the majority concluded that the 1992 precedent that created Pennsylvania's "two-disease rule" should be applied retroactively.
4 minute read
November 05, 2004 |

Understanding the Pregnancy Discrimination Act

According to statistics kept by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there has been a 39 percent increase in the number of pregnancy discrimination charges filed since 1992, while the nation has seen a 9 percent decrease in the birth rate during that same period. One reason for the disparity might be wider application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, says attorney Maria Greco Danaher.
8 minute read
April 11, 2000 |

Member of Decertified Class Must Go Through EEOC Before Filing Suit

A worker who is part of a class action discrimination suit that is later decertified cannot rely on the "single filing rule" to avoid his duty to exhaust remedies before the EEOC, a federal judge ruled.
4 minute read
February 22, 2010 |

Medical Records Copying Charges Limited to 'Actual Cost'

In an apparent case of first impression, an Allegheny County Common Pleas judge has ruled that a Pittsburgh hospital system may have to base its charges for providing copies of medical records to a plaintiffs' law firm on actual costs, not the maximum charge spelled out under state law.
5 minute read
July 16, 2007 |

Baseball Fan Living His Dream as General Counsel for Pirates

More than four out of five U.S. workers are not working at their dream jobs, according to a survey released earlier this year by But Larry Silverman is living his dream. Silverman has been a Pittsburgh Pirates fan all his life and is now working for the baseball team he grew up rooting for. "While I cannot play on the field, I can help the general manager put together a team that will compete and hopefully win a championship," he says.
6 minute read
June 19, 2002 |

Plaintiff Denied New Trial in 'Chester the Molester' Case

No Excuse Found for Lawyer`s Failure to Order Transcript
4 minute read
June 08, 2001 |

Locals Flock to Pittsburgh Firms; Minorities Don't

More than half of summer associates at Pittsburgh firms associates were reared in the area, and if firms are having trouble attracting talent from outside the area, they are also struggling to attract minorities.
5 minute read


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