Turner v. Township of Irvington, A-5478-11T2; Appellate Division; opinion by Parrillo, P.J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication April 23, 2013. Before Judges Parrillo, Sabatino and Maven. On appeal from the Law Division, Essex County, L-1533-07. [Sat below: Judge Davidson.] DDS No. 36-2-9699 [18 pp.]

This case involves the handling of emergency telephone calls by two Irvington 9-1-1 operators. Plaintiffs Erica Turner and Eric Turner, as well as Erica’s mother and cousin, had repeatedly placed calls to 9-1-1 while Al Mutah Q. Saunders, Erica’s former boyfriend and father of her infant daughter, was attempting to forcefully enter her residence on April 4, 2005, the same day he was served with a domestic violence final restraining order (FRO).