The Committee on Attorney Advertising, pursuant to Rule 1:19A-2(c), publishes for comment proposed amended Attorney Advertising Guidelines 1 and 2, to align the Guidelines with recent amendments to the Court Rules. Guideline 1 requires that advertisements include the bona fide street address of the attorney or law firm; the Guideline would be amended to require that advertisements include contact information in the form of a street address, mailing address, telephone number, or email address. Guideline 2, paragraph (c), concerns language on the outside envelope of solicitation letters and would be revised to reflect the amendment to Rule of Professional Conduct 7.3(b)(5)(i) and the requirements set forth in Committee Opinion 20. The Committee on Attorney Advertising deems the adoption of these proposed amended Guidelines to be necessary in clarifying the application of the rules governing advertisements and other communications within its jurisdiction. The Guidelines, if approved by the Supreme Court, would be binding on all New Jersey attorneys.

Any comments on the proposed amended Guidelines should be sent by April 30, 2013 to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Attention: Committee Secretary, Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625-0037. Comments may also be submitted via Internet e-mail to the following address: [email protected].