We are now told that the perennial bill (S-264, A-2150) to eliminate the single exemption to our state’s 2006 ban on indoor smoking has been pulled from the agenda of the Legislature’s “lame duck” session. This concession to New Jersey’s casino industry has been criticized for years based on the scientifically-demonstrated negative effect of secondhand smoke on people who don’t smoke themselves. It was, however, a necessary compromise that cleared the way for the 2006 law.

It is one thing to allow exposure of those who, voluntarily, periodically patronize casinos to secondhand smoke (even if they also smoke). It is quite another thing to expose those who are employed in casinos, many full time, to this dangerous and deadly carcinogen. We don’t permit such voluntary exposure to patrons of any other public space. But, of course, if casino patrons step outside for a smoke they won’t be gambling!