• Gordon v. Air & Liquid Systems Corp., 13-CV-969

    Publication Date: 2014-01-14
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: District Judge Joseph F. Bianco
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: The attorney for plaintiff: Kardon Aaron Stolzman of Napoli Bern Ripka Shkolnik, LLP, New York, NY.
    for defendant: The attorneys for defendants: Michael A. Tanenbaum and Matthew R. Straus, Sedgwick LLP, Newark, NJ.

    Case Number: 13-CV-969

    Cite as: Gordon v. Air & Liquid Systems Corp., 13-CV-969, NYLJ 1202637580112, at *1 (EDNY, Decided January 6, 2014) 13-CV-969 District Judge J