The upcoming prom season is full of opportunities for the legal perils of underage drinking to become harsh, and sometimes tragic, realities for many families. Schools have become aggressive in prohibiting alcohol consumption at proms and other school events. Many have required students to sign contracts and require parents to attend pre-prom meetings for students to be eligible to attend their prom. Although parents may be more confident that school-sponsored events will not allow alcohol, they should be particularly mindful of parties occurring prior to and after such events.

Irrespective of any ultimate legal responsibility, parents who throw parties where alcohol is served to minors are violating the law and subjecting themselves to judicial scrutiny. Moreover, students who host parties in their parents’ absence also are subjecting their families to civil suits in the event of damage to person or property. Therefore, it is important that parents, minors and entire communities become educated as to the liability they may face as a result of procuring or providing alcohol to underage drinkers.