This past Sept. 11 commemorated the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the aborted hijacking of United Airlines Flight 93. A war on terror began then and continues today; little has been the same since.

Richard Girgenti and Timothy Hedley, in their new book, “The New Era of Regulatory Enforcement: A Comprehensive Guide for Raising the Bar to Manage Risk,” chronicle how the regulatory enforcement landscape changed after 9/11 and how it has changed as the result of events that followed, including the financial reporting crisis uncovered within days of the attacks. Just as 9/11 brought about the Patriot Act, the financial reporting crisis gave rise to Sarbanes-Oxley, and the 2008 recession led to the passage of Dodd-Frank. These events had an even greater impact since they came at a time defined by increased globalization, the emergence of developing economies and a proliferation of digital data and technological innovation.