Justice Alexander Hunter Jr.

Serrant moved for a partial withdrawal of $6,500 from her daughter A.D.'s trust in this third application within two weeks. She sought the money for mattresses, a car, two month's rent and bunk beds. The now-nine-year-old infant sustained personal injuries in 2008 and an infant's compromise order authorized settlement of A.D.'s claims with funds deposited at Ridgewood Savings Bank for the sole use and benefit of A.D. In 2011, the court noted it authorized withdrawal of $10,000 for room furnishings, a rental van, rent, and bunk beds. Yet, it found three of the checks were unused, finding there was no indication if those funds were ever deposited into a new account. Serrant claimed she was an unemployed mother of six children, and only received food stamps, claiming her husband abandoned the family. Yet, the court found Serrant's application was insufficient to support depletion of the infant's funds, stating there were too many "lingering questions and inconsistencies" with the application regarding the proposed expenditures. It noted while it was sympathetic with Serrant's situation, it could not grant the instant request stating Serrant failed to explain how she would pay bills attendant to her purchases, including gas and insurance for the car, and denied the petition.