No matter how successful a woman is in her career, there are often times when there's a subtle shift in how she views her job and place within a company. Sometimes it's due to a plateau—becoming stuck at a point between a period of growth and success and one of moving forward—and sometimes it's because she wants something different: a family, a new position, a new career altogether.

One of the hardest things for women to navigate in the workplace is the desire for change. It can be difficult to pursue different avenues when you're unsure of whether your job is stable, or whether it will cause tension with co-workers, so the question suddenly becomes not “Will I be successful at this,” but “Is this a risk worth taking?”

Sometimes, the risk is the reward, and in some cases, there are relatively low-risk ways you can change up your career path and find your happiness. Rejuvenating your job—and the way you view your worth—will allow you to step outside of your comfort zone a bit and shake up your year in the best way possible.

Here are a few of the best ways to breathe some life into your career.

Go for That Promotion

If there's a job opportunity that will allow you to move up, go for it. Even if you feel underqualified, taking the initiative will show the higher-ups that you're serious about your career. Not only that, the world needs more women in decision-making positions. Although there's been a significant increase in the amount of females in board rooms in the last few years, the gender gap is still a very real issue, and changing up the status quo will likely have a big impact on decisions made within a company. Bridget Frey and Glenn Kelman, “How to Triple the Number of Women Appointed to Boards in Three Years,” Redfin (Nov. 16, 2016).

Do Some Freelance Work

If you're feeling stuck in a rut professionally, shake things up by branching out. As long as it doesn't interfere with your day job, check out some freelance work on the side. You can earn some great extra money, but it will also help you test the waters in different areas to see if you'd enjoy making a bigger change down the road. This is often a great path for bloggers, artists, and accountants, especially with a little help from online outlets.

Do What You Love

Feeling unsatisfied with one's job is nothing new; it happens to the best of us, and it's no indication that there's anything wrong with you or your performance. Sometimes, it's just hard to stay on the same path, even if it's a successful one. Finding a way to do something you love and turn it into a career isn't the easiest way to go, but with a little help from the Internet, just about anything is possible these days. From opening your own Etsy shop to sell your handmade wares, to learning about interior design or real estate, there are plenty of ways you can parlay your favorite hobby into a job.

Cut Out the Stress

A person's job can be a huge factor in their stress and anxiety levels, which can have serious consequences on their health. If you work at a high-pressure job and find yourself coming home at the end of the day with a headache, it might be time to either cut back your hours or find a position better suited to your needs.

“Job stress is associated with an increased incidence of hypertension and heart attacks,” says Paul J. Rosch, MD, of the American Institute of Stress. That's not all; stress can also lead to depression and anxiety or other mood disorders.

Start Your Own Business

For those who are savvy enough to read the current market and figure out what business will do best, a startup is a great idea. Depending on the type of business, you may be able to run it entirely online, or start online and work your way up to a brick-and-mortar store. Think about some of the things you're good at—baking, teaching, creating things—and do some research into what types of similar businesses are in your area. Look at their business models to get an idea of what to expect, and reach out to the owners, as they may be valuable assets should you decide to move ahead with your own business.

Head to Social Media

Networking is a great way to advance your career in whichever direction you want to take it in, and with all the social media apps available today, there's no reason why you can't use them to your advantage. Check out LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter and find people in similar positions who may be able to help when it comes to finding a new job; connect with co-workers who can endorse your specific skillset.

Go Back to School

Going back to school is one of the best ways you can kickstart a new career, or just a new path. You don't have to aim for a degree; there are plenty of courses that offer certificates in various skills, which will still be impressive on your resume. Whether you want to learn a new language or just expand your knowledge on a particular subject, learning something new might just rejuvenate you.

Don't Be Afraid

It's natural to be afraid of the unknown, but never testing the waters at all will keep you pinned to a job that doesn't make you happy. Remind yourself of your own worth and stay positive; push the fear aside and learn something new. Keep your day job for your own peace of mind, but always remember that it does not define you.

Changing up a career path can mean many different things to different people; decide what it means to you and go for it. Only you can make it happen!

Gloria Martinez started WomenLed to celebrate the advancements women have made and inspire women to become entrepreneurs and seek promotions in the workplace.