Cases ranging from that of Army Private Bradley Manning, tried by a general court-martial, to that of fugitive government contractor employee Edward Joseph Snowden raise serious questions that have to be addressed. These questions go far beyond the fate of either man, and involve sweeping and costly federal programs that are obviously important to national security. They reflect the remarkable environment in which we now live, where, thanks to such technological wonders as the internet and reasonably-priced smartphones, access to information has never been broader or easier, and where compelling public and private interests in secrecy and privacy are ever-present.

Responsible observers have long argued that too much information is being classified. There seems to be increasing general agreement on this subject, but the solution remains elusive. The federal courts have thus far disclaimed power to second-guess classification decisions, and few challenges to classification decisions within the executive branch seem to gain traction, although every now and again the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel determines that some document an agency claims to be classified actually doesn't qualify.