My daughter recently graduated high school. She is off to college in a couple of months, and I am setting up a cot at my Cohen and Wolf office, where I will be working the rest of my life to pay her tuition. She may want to be a doctor. Can I bill in the afterlife?

Since it looks like I will be practicing for many years to come, perhaps it's time to look at issues that affect very experienced attorneys, such as competence, IOLTA account management and health issues. Over the years I have often been regaled by the fabulous stories told by those learned counsel who have practiced well into their retirement years. For many, practicing law is a way of life. It is an experience they love. It is relevance. It is fascination. It is fun. Even if they could retire they would not.

As a former first assistant chief disciplinary counsel, I was often heartbroken when I had to prosecute very experienced attorneys who, for one reason or another, had no choice but to continue to practice law and had trouble doing so due to age or health-related issues. Now that I defend those experienced practitioners, I can only shake my head and think, “What more can be done?”

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