Corporate Counsel

'Stop Billing Us Without an Explanation,' GCs Tell Law Firms

In-house leaders have said that law firms billing without a breakdown can be an 'administrative nightmare.'
3 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The US Reverses 'Roe' and the World Reacts

The U.S. decision, which runs counter to global trends toward more liberal abortion rights, led almost immediately to a global call to strengthen legal protections for reproductive rights, as well as heightened fears for the knock-on effects on civil rights, privacy rights, women's health, and even local law.
9 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Professor Michele DeStefano Outlines How to Create an Innovative Collaborative Culture

Michele DeStefano, Professor of Law at Miami University and Founder of LawWithoutWalls, outlines the new expectations of lawyers and how to meet those new expectations.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

International Leadership Coach on Why GCs Must Strengthen Their Resolve to have Executive Committee Access

Lakeshia Ekeigwe, an International Leadership Coach, talks to CCA about how GCs can identify their 'Zone of Genius' and outlines what it means to become an inspirational leader.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Key to Leadership Success: Behavioral Agility and Creativity

Alex Lazarus is a Business Psychologist and a Leadership and Team Coach. Here, Alex talks to Corporate Counsel Advance about what it means for in-house leaders and their teams to be behaviorally agile and why it is an essential ingredient in becoming an influential leader. She also outlines the strategies general counsel can implement to create a culture that enables in-house teams to be creative.
3 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Labor of Law: Could Hybrid Work Arrangements Result in a 'Mommy Track'?

"Are we going to see a recurrence of this gender divide that we saw with flex time and part-time—that more men are in the office, and that women and especially women with children are opting to work remotely?" asked Roberta Liebenberg, an attorney with Fine, Kaplan and Black.
7 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Lessons from Four-Time Winter Olympian: Failure, Risk and Redefining Adversity

Chemmy Alcott is a Four-Time Winter Olympian and the first and only British ski racer to win a run in World Cup. Chemmy shares with CCA her key lessons learnt from the world of competitive sport. She also outlines why it is important that businesses promote a culture that embraces failure, defines empowerment, and redefines adversity.
3 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Prada Hires Next General Counsel from US Chocolate Maker

It is the latest refresh in top legal brass at a European fashion company.
2 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Wave of Female Ukrainian Lawyers Seek Work in UK; Recruiters Assist for Free

As most men are required to stay back and fight, a growing number of female lawyers are reaching out to U.K. recruiters—and law firms are interested.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Lessons Learned as a C-Suite Leader

Lisa Burton, Global Leaders in Law Ambassador and Chief Executive Officer of Legal Data Workspace, outlines the key mistakes to avoid during crisis management and highlights what every GC should be aware of in 2022. She also shares her insights on executive-level leadership and offers practical advice on data protection management.
9 minute read