Dan Clark

Dan Clark

Dan covers cyber security, legal operations and intellectual property for Corporate Counsel. Follow him on Twitter @Danclarkalm.

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April 23, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Say "Ahh" and Hire a GC: Telehealth Companies Need GCs to Guide Growth

"Given the pandemic, it is crucial to have a strategic business partner who is fully integrated in the business. This is something outside counsel cannot do, given their position," said Edina Beasley, a managing director in the in-house counsel recruiting group at Major, Lindsey & Africa in Washington, D.C.

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

April 22, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Google's Legal Ops Guru Leaves Tech Giant and Top Role at CLOC

The Corporate Legal Operations Consortium announced on Thursday that board member and Intel's director of legal operations, Mike Haven will take over as president of the organization beginning in May.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

April 21, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

No 'Yes-Attorneys' Here: GCs Emphasize the Importance of Speaking Truth to Power

General counsel from Agilent Technologies, Square and Google discussed how giving candid and sometimes unpopular opinions early on in their in-house career led to them taking the reins of the legal department and finding themselves with more trust as business partners.

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

April 20, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Diversity and Inclusion Drew New GC to Commonwealth Financial Network

Peggy Ho said part of the reason she was drawn to Commonwealth Financial Network is because of the inclusive culture the company promotes. On Monday, her first day as general counsel, she said she reached out to the company's newly hired chief diversity and inclusion officer to let her know she would be onboard for any new initiatives.

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

April 19, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Walmart's Top Ethics and Compliance Attorney Leaves the Company

Employees in Walmart's compliance function will report directly to the company's chief legal officer, Rachel Brand, until the company announces a replacement for Trujillo. Trujillo has not decided on what his next steps will be.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

April 16, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

CEOs Want Data-Based Risk Management; GCs Lack the Tech to Do So.

"As we see over and over again, the cost of not getting this right can be enormous. Ask BP the cost of not getting risk management and safety protocols right. Or Volkswagen about admissions controls," David Wilkins, professor of law and faculty director at the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said. "These are not just liability costs, but reputational costs."

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

April 16, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

GC Compensation Is Evolving, See What Amazon's General Counsel Made in 2020

"General counsel compensation has evolved with the way compensation is viewed at the C-suite level. There is a greater emphasis towards equity and a greater emphasis on company performance," says John Nixon, a partner at Duane Morris in Philadelphia who helps negotiate GC compensation.

By Dan Clark

3 minute read

April 15, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

GCs Step Up and Speak Up on Social and Political Issues

Historically, general counsel have always acted as the quiet moral compass of their company. However, since the killing of George Floyd last summer and the increase in ESG responsibilities, general counsel have become more vocal on issues of social justice, experts told Corporate Counsel.

By Dan Clark

5 minute read

April 14, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Public Trust Is Key Ingredient to Fight COVID-19, Say Pfizer, Regeneron Compliance Chiefs

Misinformation about which drugs worked and which did not at the outset of the pandemic complicated the lives of compliance chiefs at Pfizer and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. Both Rady Johnson of Pfizer and Beth Holly of Regeneron said their companies made the decision to be completely, even overly, transparent when developing a vaccine and drug to combat COVID-19.

By Dan Clark

4 minute read

April 13, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Legal Technology Evolves, but Business Models Do Not

"Bizarrely, the fact that large law is still highly successful is still an impediment," Nicola Shaver, director of innovation and knowledge at Paul Hastings in New York, said. "It is still difficult to tell people to change the way they're doing things when it's working at bringing in an enormous amount of revenue every year."

By Dan Clark

3 minute read