From less than subtle political repute in recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, to headlines of lawsuits and slashed diversity efforts, corporate diversity efforts are being called into question by many actors. Oftentimes, claims of the potential illegality of these efforts are raised. Are corporate diversity efforts really discriminatory and how are they impacting the daily operations of business? As a former director of diversity at a global law firm, I know the truth of what corporate diversity work actually is and it goes much further than what many assume when they think about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

For many, the mere mention of workplace DEI often results in visions of mandatory patronizing educational programs, policies prioritizing increased racial representation above all else, and overarching themes of shame and blame. These approaches are not effective, and perhaps most importantly do not accurately reflect the approach of DEI professionals that have been my trusted colleagues over my 15-plus years engaged in this work. Below are examples of effective operational impact and change led by diversity professionals that benefit all members of the workplace.

Increasing Procedural Transparency and Effectiveness