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November 30, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Meta Hires University Lecturer as Associate GC for Civil Rights

Meta said Susan Epstein will focus on instilling civil rights best practices throughout the company with regard to machine learning, virtual and augmented reality and emerging technologies.
2 minute read
November 30, 2021 | Daily Business Review

Elizabeth Holmes Accuses Ex-lover, Business Partner of Abuse

Elizabeth Holmes briefly became a paper billionaire while promising that Theranos could provide more convenient and cheaper tests scanning for hundreds of potential health problems using just a few drops of blood.
5 minute read
November 30, 2021 | New York Law Journal

2nd Circuit, Weighing NYC Vaccine Mandate, Shields Teachers From Firing but Refuses to Grant Broader Relief

The decision left in place a previous order from the appeals court that had temporarily spared the DOE workers from a Wednesday deadline to either receive the shot or possibly face termination.
4 minute read
November 30, 2021 | Daily Business Review

Carrie Meek, Pioneering Black Former Congresswoman, Dies

In Congress, Meek championed affirmative action, economic opportunities for the poor and efforts to bolster democracy in and ease immigration restrictions on Haiti, the birthplace of many of her constituents.
5 minute read
November 30, 2021 | National Law Journal

DC Circuit Orders DOJ to Reveal Why Mueller Declined to Charge Members of Trump Campaign

The ruling will make public previously redacted portions of the Mueller report that explain why prosecutors declined to charge potential campaign violations by members of former President Donald Trump's 2016 team.
3 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings and Related Torts in Pennsylvania, Second Edition Authors: George Bochetto, David P. Heim, John A. O’Connell, Robert S. Tintner View this Book

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November 30, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

Scott Mollen discusses 'Wilmington Savings Fund Society v. 6 Turtle Knoll,' 'Locon Realty v. Safisas Corp.,' and 'Leya v. Kodicek.'
14 minute read
November 30, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer

Preventative Medicine Is the Best Kind: Preparing for 2022 Now

But the time saved commuting and communing has given me the opportunity to slow down a bit and observe some trends in my practice. One of these trends reflects a phrase that I often find myself repeating: "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
7 minute read
November 30, 2021 | Daily Report Online

Last Chance: Jurist Professionalism in Spotlight as Award Deadline Approaches

Nominees' community and public service contributions to the arts, education, faith-based efforts, politics, recreation, social service, sports and other fields, will be considered by award selection committee.
4 minute read
November 30, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Omicron Variant Promises to Extend Our Reliance on Remote Proceedings

Now I'm pretty sure that things will never be the same again.
5 minute read
November 30, 2021 | Legaltech News

Small, Mid-Size Law Firms Growing in CRM Usage, But Still Behind Other Professional Services

Just 7% of firms said their lawyers actively used customer relationship management (CRM) systems and 12% of firms didn't have a CRM system at all, according to a Ackert, Inc. survey that primarily polled small and mid-sized firms.
4 minute read