Greg Derin, a mediator and arbitrator at Signature Resolution

We have a complicated relationship with folklore and mythology. Reflecting on ancient tales can inform our understanding of the contemporary world and our relationship with nature and other human beings. We are not all adept at hard sciences, data analysis, and the evolution of the human genome. Humanism and sources which help us relate to one another puts our grasp of evolving technological resources within a broader context and understanding. 

In some versions of ancient mythology, the Greek god Prometheus created humanity out of clay and served as its champion. He defied other gods of Olympus by stealing fire and giving it to humans in different forms, which we might understand as knowledge and technology. As punishment, Zeus had him bound to a rock and sent an eagle to devour his liver. Every night the liver would grow back, and in an endless cycle, the eagle would reappear and repeat the torment. Prometheus endures today as a symbol of striving for knowledge, as well as the risks associated with overreaching, with tragic consequences.