Workplace conflict can be very expensive for businesses — and that expense has been increasing over the last 10 years, due to higher jury verdicts, attorney fees and other costs, as well as an increase in the number of these conflicts. Businesses can reduce their liability in this area by taking steps to prevent conflicts before they arise, and to resolve them as early as possible, before they grow into full-blown disputes.

Costs of Workplace Conflict

Conflicts can arise in many different work-related settings. While the most common conflicts arise between a manager and subordinate, or between co-employees in the same group and location, conflicts can extend to managers and employees in different departments or in different locations, between the company and its business associates (e.g., customers, vendors, contractors, joint venture partners, investors), and between a company and its surrounding community or a governmental body. Regardless of the situation, the longer the conflict ensues, the greater the cost to the company.