Besides the exact route, my car ride into work every day is probably much like yours if you drive into the city. I leave the house, get into the car, turn on the radio and drive. Before I know it, I am at work, and sometimes I wonder where the ride went. It feels like my mind escapes me during my commute. I hardly notice the leaves on the trees, the beautiful homes or anything else I pass. Then, when I walk into my office, my brain turns on.

By early spring, two years after I opened my firm, it began to almost feel routine. The storm of starting up had calmed somewhat, and I felt comfortable. So I looked into the future, thinking about how to achieve certain professional goals I set for myself. By the firm’s third year, I wanted to hire another attorney. By year five, I wanted to move into a larger office and open a satellite office. And by year 10, well, the list goes on and on. I had visions, plans and dreams. Life was great.