On Feb. 18, I had the opportunity to present "The Diversity Scavenger Hunt: Effective Strategies to Attract and Retain the Best Team Inside and Out" at the American Bar Association 2022 Corporate Counsel CLE Seminar in Orlando, Florida. The program was the result of a collaboration with co-presenter Leslie D. Davis, president and CEO of the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF), and contributor Laurie N. Robinson Haden, president and CEO of Corporate Counsel Women of Color (CCWC). Davis and I presented to an engaged audience of in-house counsel and firm lawyers, incorporating input from Robinson Haden who was unable to join us live. Diverse members of our profession continue to face challenges despite efforts to remediate longstanding obstacles to achieving respect and full access. I was reminded of the first time I presented to the ABA Corporate Counsel group in 2013 on "Taking the High Road: How to Deal Ethically With Bullies Who Don't Play by the Rules," which included a discussion on the interplay between bullying and bias in the law. I have written and spoken often on how bias impacts lawyers. Despite the increased focus on diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias, unfortunately there is stubborn resistance to change.  We discussed obstacles to advancement, common excuses for glacial progress and strategies for effecting change.