The new trend in information technology is "consumerization" — the movement toward the consumer gadget market influencing corporate information technology usage. Employees’ desire to use, for work purposes, the latest in technology and top-selling consumer smartphones, tablets and other smart devices at work is driving consumerization. Mobile devices allow workers to access all of their work information at anytime, anywhere and with any device.

Technology advances impact workplace privacy. While mobile devices offer more functionality, employers potentially have access to more private information about or generated by employees. Moreover, another hot technology trend — "bring your own device" or "BYOD" policies — is becoming more popular. The term BYOD refers to companies that allow their employees to use mobile devices of their choice, which the employees may have purchased themselves. Under BYOD policies, employees can use their devices for personal purposes. BYOD policies potentially give employers even more access to sensitive employee information than they would if they issued mobile devices themselves and allowed only occasional personal use.

Why Things Are Different Now