Here’s a question: Why hasn’t anyone in the World of Bull ever called him out for providing legal advice and representation without a license? I get the whole “gotta-make-it-sexy” spin from Hollywood, but isn’t “Bull” supposed to be about jury consulting? In yet another episode this season, we find Dr. Bull doing very little jury consulting and a whole lotta lawyering.

This week, we have a story involving a family matter between a daughter, Sadie Williams, and her father, Gerald. Sadie built a wildly successful company in her teens, and by the time she turned 18 or so, she had a bit of a meltdown — psychological breakdown might be a better description. Sadly, the incident was captured on video and was posted on the internet for the world to see. Turns out, Sadie was suffering from undiagnosed Bipolar disorder. Dad, in an effort to save the company and help Sadie help herself, petitioned the court for full guardianship and the court granted the request.